Dodged a Bullet…Sort Of

Posted on July 18, 2024

By now you have no doubt heard that our former president and the Republican front-runner for our next presidential election, Donald Trump, was nearly assassinated a few days ago. Here’s some observations…

  • The tactical aspect of this shooting is being analyzed, ad infinitum, over on YouTube. There is a lot of good information to be gleaned from these analysis as many are coming from current and formers trained operators who know what they are talking about.
  • Mainstream media leans hard left, to the point that it took outlets like CNN a few hours to change their headlines from “gunshots were heard at the Trump rally” to “attempted assassination of former president Trump” when they saw the video with their own eyes, immediately after the incident, and they knew that Trump had been shot.
  • Social media wasn’t much better. An hour after the shooting, r/news has only one posting about the shooting and r/conspiracy posts were disappearing as quickly as they were being posted. Shadow banning and deleting posts about the incident were also happening on other social media sites.
  • Some information is getting out and it doesn’t look good (examples here, here, and here). Someone(s) wanted Trump gone and it looks like it came from much higher up than some random kid who wanted to off Trump. At his point, the “conspiracy theories” sound much more plausible than the official narrative.
  • The comments on these videos are fairly interesting. They ranged from “definitely proof we are living in a simulation, Trump dodged that bullet like he was in The Matrix” to “definitely two shooters–the dumb kid who is now dead and maybe got off a couple shots into the crowd, and the real shooter who is probably still wondering how Trump avoided a near-perfect head shot”.
  • The whole massive Trump stock short stinks to high heaven. Austin Private Wealth massively shorted Trump stock the day before the shooting. Several days after the shooting, the company put an “oops we didn’t mean it” notice on their website. And removed their page that showed their Board members (thanks to the Wayback machine we know what the page said). Pay particular attention to the co-founders of this company.
  • tldr; the Secret Service can not possibly be this incompetent; if I was Trump I would hire my own security; it wouldn’t surprise me if this isn’t the last “unfortunate incident” that someone tries to unleash on Trump; I am seriously hoping Trump makes it to the elections in November (he’s pretty much guaranteed to win at this point), and can take office in January(!). If anything happens to Trump from this point forward, be prepared for civil war. Maybe a country-wide grid shutdown. Consider the worst possible outcome and plan accordingly.

10 Hot Weather Tips

Posted on July 12, 2024

It’s been ridiculously hot here in the desert southwest and while the locals are fairly used to this, the number of people who have no idea how to handle hot weather is readily apparent (usually via headlines of death and near death situations). Here’s how to handle hot weather…

  1. Reconsider normal activities if they take place outdoors during hot weather. Stay inside instead. (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  2. Don’t hike in hot weather(!). (exhibit A).
  3. Reconsider swimming in excessively hot weather (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  4. And reconsider swimming in the ocean at any time (exhibit A, exhibit B)
  5. When on vacation (or even in your own backyard), know what the dangers are (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  6. Sometimes you can’t avoid being outside during periods of high heat so know how to mitigate the situation (exhibit A).
  7. And remember that things like hot pavement can be dangerous too (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  8. Of course, never, ever, leave a person or pet in the car during hot weather (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  9. Be sure to stock your car for summer emergencies (exhibit A).
  10. Whether you are on vacation, working, our just enjoying the outdoors, know how to handle high heat emergencies (exhibit A).

100 No/Low Tech Items to Have On Hand

Posted on July 8, 2024

In a time when it seems like everything revolves around technology and the infrastructure it takes to sustain said technology, it pays to have as many no/low tech items on hand as possible…just in case.

  1. Bicycle/spare parts
  2. AM/FM radio (battery/hand crank/solar powered)
  3. Books
  4. Music CDs/CD player
  5. DVDs/DVD player
  6. Buckets and rags
  7. Hand tools (hammer, ax, pliers, etc)
  8. Non-electric gardening tools (shovel, rake, etc)
  9. Baseball/bat/gloves
  10. Bow and arrows
  11. Board games/playing cards
  12. Whistle
  13. Ferro rod
  14. Knives (for cooking prep, pocket knife, fixed blade knife)
  15. Solar garden lights
  16. Paper map and compass
  17. Backpacking gear
  18. Firearms/ammo
  19. Solar panel/battery bank
  20. Folding wagon
  21. Telescope
  22. Magnifying glass
  23. Volkswagon Beetle (pre 70s model)
  24. Non-electric kitchen tools (hand crank grain mill, cast iron cookware, non-electric can opener, etc)
  25. Push lawnmower
  26. Candles/candle-making supplies
  27. Canning supplies
  28. Solar oven
  29. HAM radio/HAM license
  30. Repair supplies (glue, wire, duct tape, rope, electrical and plumbing supplies, etc)
  31. Hygiene supplies (soap making supplies, garden pressure sprayer for showers, etc)
  32. Garden seeds
  33. Arts and crafts supplies (paper, crayons, paint/paint brushes, scissors, etc)
  34. Non-electric kid toys (dolls, cars, etc)
  35. Beekeeping supplies
  36. Fishing supplies (poles, line, hooks, etc)
  37. Butchering supplies
  38. Sewing supplies (needles, thread, fabric, etc)
  39. Woodstove
  40. Non-electric laundry supplies (clothes line, washboard, wringer, etc)
  41. Rechargeable batteries
  42. USB lights/fans/handwarmers/etc
  43. Composting toilet
  44. Hand pump/siphon hose
  45. Writing supplies (paper, pens, pencils, markers, etc)
  46. First aid supplies
  47. Maintenance kits (knife sharpening stone, gun cleaning kit, oil, etc)
  48. Safety gear (foam ear plugs, gloves, safety glasses, etc)
  49. Garden hose
  50. Building supplies (lumber, fencing supplies, tarps, nails, screws, etc)
  51. Water storage containers
  52. Fuel storage containers
  53. Cleaning supplies (bleach, scrub brushes, broom, mop, gloves, etc)
  54. Slingshot
  55. Wine/beer making supplies
  56. Human-powered generator/battery bank
  57. Clothing/shoes for all weather conditions
  58. Large plastic storage bins/garbage cans
  59. Livestock/livestock supplies
  60. Small battery banks
  61. Drone
  62. Insulated ice chest
  63. Balls (soccer ball, basketball, football, etc)
  64. Smoke/CO detectors
  65. Backups of personal necessities (glasses, dentures, cane, hearing aids, etc)
  66. 35mm camera and film
  67. Alcohol/cigarettes/cigars/etc.
  68. Water filters/purifiers
  69. Seasoned fire wood
  70. Baby/pet/elderly/ill person supplies (medications, etc)
  71. Manual bidet
  72. Pest removal supplies (traps, dCon, etc)
  73. Technical work supplies (welding, locksmithing, gunsmithing, blacksmithing, etc)
  74. Musical instruments (piano, violin, harmonica, etc)
  75. Boat (canoe, kayak, sail boat)
  76. Pets/pet supplies
  77. Locks (padlocks, cable locks, etc)
  78. Binoculars
  79. Watch
  80. Winter sports gear (skis, sleds)
  81. Knitting/weaving/quilting supplies
  82. Over-the-air antenna
  83. Manual typewriter/paper/White Out
  84. Composting bin
  85. Hardcopy backups of all important information/photos/etc
  86. Fire-proof safe
  87. Cash/gold/silver
  88. Exercise gear (weights, jump rope, resistance bands, yoga mat)
  89. Foraging/edible plants books/survival skills books/first aid book
  90. Rainwater collection system
  91. Homestead chemicals (fertilizer, lime, lye, etc)
  92. Food processing supplies (dehydrator, smoker, etc)
  93. Edible and medicinal herb garden/fruit and nut trees/kitchen garden
  94. Faraday bags
  95. Alternate energy devices (water power, wind power, etc)
  96. Demo gear (sledgehammer, crowbar, machete, etc)
  97. Survival tablet (with all of your documents/photos/music/videos/books on the SD card)
  98. Outdoor games (frisbee, croquet, cornhole, horse shoes, etc)
  99. Holiday supplies (Christmas tree holder, ornaments, etc)
  100. Signaling supplies (spray paint, fluorescent fabric, etc)

The 4th of July

Posted on July 5, 2024

First, I would like to wish you and yours a happy and safe 4th of July.

Next, I would like to remind you how we got here…

Then I would like to invite those who govern us to read these documents then read them again as it is clear from the current state of our government that none of our leaders have read and/or understood what these foundational documents mean. You can read, point by point, the grievances the population had against the king in the Declaration of Independence and then note that our current government has created the same grievances in the current American population. I wonder where we will go from here?

20 Items for Your INCH Bag

Posted on June 21, 2024

Your INCH (I’m Never Coming Home) bag should include the following items. Note that this bag is to be used in addition to your Bug Out Bag at a time when you literally plan to never return home again (wild fire, flooding, total societal collapse, etc).

  1. A second passport (obviously acquire this long before it is needed)
  2. Cash (in a variety of currencies collected over time)
  3. Prepaid credit cards
  4. An aged, deGoogled burner phone and anonymous SIM
  5. An aged Linux laptop
  6. Gold coins in a variety of denominations
  7. Silver coins in a variety of denominations
  8. Jewelry
  9. Hard copies of all of your important documents
  10. A secure flash drive with all of your documents/photos/videos/medical records/financial records/etc on it
  11. A 1tb micro SD card with ALL of the information you may need on it (maps, books, translation dictionary, survival guides, contacts, how-to videos, etc)
  12. A firearm and ammo (depending on where you are going)
  13. Any sentimental items that are small enough to carry and you don’t want to part with
  14. Non-lethal self defense items
  15. Items you can use for bribes or barter (ie: the fake wallet with lower denomination bills in it, keep your real wallet hidden; cigarettes, small bottles of whiskey, etc).
  16. Prescription medications and copies of your prescriptions that can be filled anywhere
  17. Backup of critical items (glasses, contacts, hearing aids, dentures…if you can’t live without an item, you need two or three back ups just in case)
  18. A small, portable solar battery charger
  19. Items for anyone traveling with you (notarized letter to allow you to travel with your children; some airlines won’t let you on the plane without permission from the absent parent); medical info/next of kin info for someone traveling with you; contact info for overseas hosts, etc)
  20. A plan. Don’t wander off willy nilly. You need to know where you are going and how you are going to get there (ideally with two or three possible locations) instead of ending up with the refugee hoards.

How to Disappear: 20 Tips

Posted on March 26, 2024

Note that completely disappearing can range from possible (the people looking for you have limited resources and limited skills) to virtually impossible (ie: the government wants you). Depending on your threat model, here are some tips if you want to leave and never be found…

  1. Start planning a year or so in advance. This gives you plenty of time to work through your plan and get your ducks in a row before you head out.
  2. Determine if you need to get away or completely disappear. As an adult you don’t need to answer to anyone, you are free to go where you want (unless, of course, you are hiding from the judicial system) and can avoid contacting anyone from your previous life if you want to. On the other hand, if you are in a particularly sticky situation (domestic violence, mob informant, etc) there are agencies that can help you disappear (see also WitSec).
  3. Stack cash starting immediately. And don’t make it obvious. You don’t want to withdraw your entire paycheck every two weeks because that will draw attention so take smaller amounts of money out of the bank, sell stuff for cash on OfferUp or FB marketplace, etc. and squirrel your money away bit by bit. Also, use cash to buy prepaid visa cards occasionally. Obviously, you want to store this cash and cards in a super secure location until you need it.
  4. Don’t leave a trail of your “how to disappear/where to disappear to” research on your computer/tablet/phone. Some ideas for safer surfing here.
  5. Buy a Pixel phone, with cash, along with an anonymous prepaid mobile sim/plan, then let these items sit for several months before turning the phone on (not while on your home network!), installing the Graphene OS to the phone, then activating the pre paid sim when you are about ready to disappear. Also, keep this phone turned off and in a faraday bag when not in use.
  6. Ditto a laptop. Same stuff as above but install the Linux OS, never do this when on your home/work network, and keep the device off when not in use. An important note, once you are gone, you never, ever access any of you online/banking/etc accounts ever again; if you do this you will be easily found.
  7. Slowly remove yourself from social media and people in general. If you are the most social person on social media and/or in person then you suddenly disappear, your absence will be noted (and probably start a nationwide search!). If people don’t really know your schedule or expect you to be around, they are less likely to know you are missing.
  8. Be consistently inconsistent, all the time. Again, if you are always at the same place at the same time doing the same thing and suddenly you aren’t, that will cause people to worry. If you are usually travelling, working odd hours, and not really attached to any place or activity, your disappearance will be more likely to go unnoticed. You will also want to quit your normal 9-5 and start doing a variety of cash/temp jobs so your co-workers/employer don’t report you missing.
  9. When you do leave, you leave behind everything–credit cards, vehicle, home, etc. Take only what can fit in a non-descript backpack and leave via untraceable public transportation.
  10. When you do relocate, move (a few times) to a city where you can blend in (small towns are notoriously gossipy and your every move will draw the attention of the neighbors).
  11. Come up with a new name, new back story, new hobbies, new habits, new look, and possibly new ID (the legalities of this vary from very illegal to legal if facilitated by certain government agencies).
  12. Consider how you will earn money. Working for cash in a way unrelated to previous ways you have earned an income is probably your only option if you wish to remain untraceable as opening any kind of financial account leaves a trail directly tied to your name/social security number.
  13. Depending on how desperate someone is to find you, you may have to move often.
  14. You will need to master the art of omission and deception. Your backstory has to be rock solid in your mind, you need to answer immediately to your new name, and when people are talking about travel or their childhood or any other topic you know like the back of your hand, your two cents needs to be made up, generic, and not provide any information that can be used to identify the real you (this is harder to do than it seems).
  15. You will need to live a very unstable life. Unstable housing (renting a room for cash as opposed to renting in your name or owning property), unstable work (cash only), unstable travel (no foreign travel as using your passport will give you away), unstable transportation (walk, bike, moped, bus as opposed to renting or owning a car).
  16. Some things to never do once you leave: never access your email or online accounts ever again, never use a bank ever again, never contact any of your former friends or relatives ever again, never own property that can be linked to you ever again.
  17. You will need to remain “grey man” for the rest of your days. Anything that is unique to you–your face, your gait, your particular hobbies or skills, your accent, your personality, your habits like smoking, the clothes you usually wear–can make you memorable and thus easier findable so you will need to change all of these.
  18. You will need to be ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Again, depending on how determined someone is to find you and how persistent they are, you will always be looking over your shoulder and will always need to be able to grab your stuff and go with little to no notice. Can you do this?
  19. A bunch of pitfalls…if you own property (like a house or car) and don’t sell it before you leave, this may causes several issues. If you disappear and someone like a spouse gets you declared dead so they can cash in your life insurance, this can be construed as fraud. You can’t take your kids or pets with you (pets who are microchipped can identify you, kids can be reported as kidnapped if others report them missing). If you were a high-earning expert in any field, that life (and income, and prominence) is now gone. You want to pay off any bills/child support/legal fines/etc. so your disappearance doesn’t become a legal case.
  20. And some other things…once you are disappeared, you want to stay far away from the legal system (something like getting pulled over by the cops can get you arrested/identified/and into an easily searchable database). You want to avoid ANYONE taking photos (your face showing up on the front page of the local newspaper or randomly on Facebook can lead people directly to you). You want to have a lot of cash at your disposal but carrying a lot of cash can make you a prime target for robbery (or even civil asset forfeiture in some cases!). Any relationships you develop will be based on lies.

5 Free Prepper Tasks

Posted on February 4, 2024

With financial stress at an all-time high, it’s good to know that there are plenty of ways to prepare that cost zero dollars. For example…

  1. Take care of your health. Both exercise (walking, calisthenics, etc) and the food you eat (buy a bag of lentils or bean instead of a steak, fruit and vegies instead of processed crap) are free-ish ways to improve your health.
  2. Study a myriad of survival skills (free ebooks online from the library, YouTube videos, etc) all for free.
  3. Talk to people and make new friends. Social skills are a very underrated survival skill.
  4. Observe. Observe people in public, observe things around your neighborhood, observe the seasonal changes in your area, observe possible wild food and water sources, etc.
  5. Become a maker. What can you create out of used clothing, old electronic items, broken furniture, etc?

Things “They” Aren’t Telling You

Posted on January 27, 2024

And by they I mean the bought and paid for media that wants to stifle actual news in favor of the broad disinformation campaign that they have been a party to for years. Here are some things to know…

The WEF Says You Need a Digital Identity

Posted on January 16, 2024

I saw this infographic on reddit, then found the original source here. I mean, does no one see that they are saying the quiet part out loud? The WEF (a bunch of unelected elitists) want to require every human on the planet have a digital identity so that:

  • You can access healthcare and treatments and so “they” can monitor your health devices and wearables.
  • You can open a bank account and conduct financial transactions.
  • The food you want to eat can be monitored and tracked.
  • You can book vacations and transit country and region (?) borders.
  • You can access services during a humanitarian response.
  • You can shop or conduct business.
  • So that “they” can monitor your social interactions on social platforms and you can access third party services that require a log on.
  • You can access government services, vote, get government benefits, file taxes, etc.
  • You can own and use communication devices and so that service providers can monitor your devices and data on their networks.
  • “They” can monitor devices and usage of energy, traffic, etc.

WTF did I just read? My every breath will be tracked? My every purchase will be tracked and scrutinized? I can’t get healthcare, buy food, drive a car, or vote without someone else being able to monitor these things (and shut down my ability to do such things if “they” determine I am not following the party line). Remember when the Canadian government shut down people’s bank accounts if they supported the trucker’s strike?

At this point, I would rather follow in the steps of Titus, Rob, Ariel, and Aaron than participate in this dystopian nightmare.

10 Things to Be Aware Of

Posted on January 12, 2024January 14, 2024

In no particular order…

  1. If Dr Campbell is worried, we should all be worried. **You should be even more worried that YouTube took the video down less than 24 hours after it was posted. Apparently discussing verifiable facts now goes against the official narrative.
  2. If the WEF tells you something, it’s for their best interest, not yours.
  3. Things that are “done for your own good.”
  4. Civil unrest…everywhere (examples here, here, and here).
  5. Border security, or the lack thereof.
  6. Criminal prosecution, or the lack thereof (unless you are rich and connected).
  7. Then there is media manipulation; in China this is bad, in the US this is good.
  8. And extreme media bias (paragraph 4) vs (this entire document).
  9. Remember when these books were considered fiction? 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World
  10. The natives are NOT happy.