Dodged a Bullet…Sort Of

By now you have no doubt heard that our former president and the Republican front-runner for our next presidential election, Donald Trump, was nearly assassinated a few days ago. Here’s some observations…

  • The tactical aspect of this shooting is being analyzed, ad infinitum, over on YouTube. There is a lot of good information to be gleaned from these analysis as many are coming from current and formers trained operators who know what they are talking about.
  • Mainstream media leans hard left, to the point that it took outlets like CNN a few hours to change their headlines from “gunshots were heard at the Trump rally” to “attempted assassination of former president Trump” when they saw the video with their own eyes, immediately after the incident, and they knew that Trump had been shot.
  • Social media wasn’t much better. An hour after the shooting, r/news has only one posting about the shooting and r/conspiracy posts were disappearing as quickly as they were being posted. Shadow banning and deleting posts about the incident were also happening on other social media sites.
  • Some information is getting out and it doesn’t look good (examples here, here, and here). Someone(s) wanted Trump gone and it looks like it came from much higher up than some random kid who wanted to off Trump. At his point, the “conspiracy theories” sound much more plausible than the official narrative.
  • The comments on these videos are fairly interesting. They ranged from “definitely proof we are living in a simulation, Trump dodged that bullet like he was in The Matrix” to “definitely two shooters–the dumb kid who is now dead and maybe got off a couple shots into the crowd, and the real shooter who is probably still wondering how Trump avoided a near-perfect head shot”.
  • The whole massive Trump stock short stinks to high heaven. Austin Private Wealth massively shorted Trump stock the day before the shooting. Several days after the shooting, the company put an “oops we didn’t mean it” notice on their website. And removed their page that showed their Board members (thanks to the Wayback machine we know what the page said). Pay particular attention to the co-founders of this company.
  • tldr; the Secret Service can not possibly be this incompetent; if I was Trump I would hire my own security; it wouldn’t surprise me if this isn’t the last “unfortunate incident” that someone tries to unleash on Trump; I am seriously hoping Trump makes it to the elections in November (he’s pretty much guaranteed to win at this point), and can take office in January(!). If anything happens to Trump from this point forward, be prepared for civil war. Maybe a country-wide grid shutdown. Consider the worst possible outcome and plan accordingly.