10 Hot Weather Tips

It’s been ridiculously hot here in the desert southwest and while the locals are fairly used to this, the number of people who have no idea how to handle hot weather is readily apparent (usually via headlines of death and near death situations). Here’s how to handle hot weather…

  1. Reconsider normal activities if they take place outdoors during hot weather. Stay inside instead. (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  2. Don’t hike in hot weather(!). (exhibit A).
  3. Reconsider swimming in excessively hot weather (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  4. And reconsider swimming in the ocean at any time (exhibit A, exhibit B)
  5. When on vacation (or even in your own backyard), know what the dangers are (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  6. Sometimes you can’t avoid being outside during periods of high heat so know how to mitigate the situation (exhibit A).
  7. And remember that things like hot pavement can be dangerous too (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  8. Of course, never, ever, leave a person or pet in the car during hot weather (exhibit A, exhibit B).
  9. Be sure to stock your car for summer emergencies (exhibit A).
  10. Whether you are on vacation, working, our just enjoying the outdoors, know how to handle high heat emergencies (exhibit A).